Our innovative roof soft washing moss treatment kills moss without damaging your roof. It also prevents new moss for up to one year.
We specialize in no-hassle pressure washing solutions that will leave your property dazzling, and we make it convenient and hassle-free.
Whether you’re planning on putting your house on the market or hosting an event, our exterior washing services allow your home to look its best.
Our comprehensive gutter cleaning services will clear everything out to divert water where it needs to go.
Our window cleaning service will remove every spot and streak, leaving them crystal clear like the day you got them.
Moss Doctors provides a wide range of services for anyone who wants their home or business to look its best. With over 15 years of experience, our goal goes beyond excellence in roof moss removal and exterior cleaning. By investing in state-of-the-art equipment and our proprietary MossMagic sauce, we aim to revolutionize the entire industry.
If you have questions about roof moss removal or exterior cleaning services, or you’re ready to schedule an appointment, reach out to us today. Our experienced team is here to help you.
Attention to detail — Difficult or hard to reach moss is carefully removed by hand.
The sauce for your moss — Doctors' MossMagic is our proprietary remedy that will cure all of your moss ails.
Our journey started over 15 years ago, with roots in the roofing industry, where we witnessed firsthand the limitations of conventional moss removal methods.
We're ready to get to work for you. Call or email us today and get a free quote on your project!
Moss Doctors was founded over 15 years ago. With roots in the roofing industry, we witnessed the frustrations and limitations of conventional moss removal methods firsthand. We became determined to offer superior solutions, so we invested in state-of-the-art soft washing technology and developed our proprietary MossMagic sauce.
Today, Moss Doctors is the trusted choice for not just roof moss removal, but also a comprehensive menu of exterior cleaning and maintenance services. Our goal is to provide the very best service every time out because we want to earn your trust and your long-term business.
There are dozens of roof moss removal and exterior maintenance companies in the Portland OR – Vancouver WA Metro area. Why should you choose Moss Doctors over any of the others?
We strive to earn your long-term business and our experienced team will go the extra mile to show you. No detail goes unnoticed when we’re on the job.
We’re the only moss removal and exterior washing company with the sauce — and we mean that literally. Moss Doctors’ MossMagic is a unique sodium hypochlorite-surfactant formulation that clings to your roof as it kills the moss allowing everything to wash away, roots and all! MossMagic can also prevent new moss for up to one year.
We’ve got exterior washing down to science, and it’s not about high pressure. It’s about volume. Our low-pressure high-volume treatment allows us to thoroughly clean your property and get the job done quickly — often in an hour or less.
When was the last time your house was washed by a professional? Dirt and grime build up so slowly that you may not even notice, but you WILL notice the difference when we’re finished — and you’ll be amazed. Some of our clients tell us it’s been so long, they couldn’t even remember the original color of their siding!
When you call Moss Doctors, your moss is as good as gone! Why go through the hassle of DIY moss removal when we make it so easy?
Tell us what you need and we'll give you a no-obligation estimate.
We value your time, so we work on your schedule. And we'll be there when we say we will.
Our cutting-edge treatment kills ALL moss — and prevents new moss for up to one year.
In 15 years in business, we’ve worked with countless customers. See what they had to say about their experience with Moss Doctors.
Cleaning up homes from Ridgefield to Salem
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